regarding breed-specific legislation:
"Pit Bulls And Their Owners Celebrate End Of Breed Ban In Pawtucket, Rhode Island" Read Article
"An alderman in the Louisiana village of Moreauville said on Monday (Nov. 24) the village board will likely soon get rid of a recently passed ordinance banning pit bulls and rottweilers after a local family's plea for the village to do so sparked national attention and Internet outrage almost overnight." Read Article
Photo from article by Emily Lane, | The Times-Picayune |
"Pity the pit bull: More towns realize they’ve given
the dog a bad rap" Read Article
November 24, 2014 12:00 AM
It shows people are becoming educated about responsible
ownership and informed about breed-specific legislation.
However, just in reading the comments at the bottom of the
articles, there are many more minds to change.
Here's an example of an ordinance, near my hometown, I
read on
"NEWSThe city of Clairton PA has passed the following ordinance which requires
owners of "Staffordshire terriers, American pit bulls, pit bulls and Rottweilers:
*Fill out an "Application for Licensing of Dangerous Domestic Animals
(accompanied with a non refundable fee of $50 per animal, per year.)
*Confine animal in a secure building or enclosure.
*Any dog outdoors must have a 6 foot fence with a roof (which also requires
approval from the "Code Enforcement Officer"
*Post warning signs on all entrances and exits to the property.
*Securely leash and muzzle dogs at all time in public.CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ORDINANCE AND APPLICATION"
owners of "Staffordshire terriers, American pit bulls, pit bulls and Rottweilers:
*Fill out an "Application for Licensing of Dangerous Domestic Animals
(accompanied with a non refundable fee of $50 per animal, per year.)
*Confine animal in a secure building or enclosure.
*Any dog outdoors must have a 6 foot fence with a roof (which also requires
approval from the "Code Enforcement Officer"
*Post warning signs on all entrances and exits to the property.
*Securely leash and muzzle dogs at all time in public.CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ORDINANCE AND APPLICATION"
Breed profiling is ridiculous. But, mandatory muzzling of innocent dogs is taking it to a whole new level.
This makes the dog look like Hannibal Lecter!
This makes the dog look like Hannibal Lecter!
This makes me sad!
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